Penn State Signs Pledge In Support of LGBT Nondiscrimination in Pennsylvania

Posted on August 31, 2015

PennBig news today: Penn State University (PSU) has joined with dozens of employers, academic centers and nonprofit organizations calling for an update to Pennsylvania’s nondiscrimination law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

In signing the pledge this morning, PSU’s president Eric Barron president said:

“At Penn State, we are looking to create opportunities for our students and help grow the economy of Pennsylvania. We believe that a strong nondiscrimination policy will help the Commonwealth continue to attract and retain innovative and talented workers and foster entrepreneurship and development. While Penn State, like many other businesses and institutions, already has a nondiscrimination policy that includes sexual orientation and gender identity, we think that updating the policy statewide is in the best interests of all Pennsylvanians.”

Barron signed the pledge on Penn State’s University Park campus. He was joined by Amy Dupain Vashaw, chair, Penn State Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equity; Ted Martin, Executive Director, Equality PA and Jennifer Branstetter, Campaign Manager, Pennsylvania Competes.

Our Campaign Manager Jennifer Branstetter thanked PSU for signing the pledge, noting that updating state law to protect LGBT Pennsylvanians will help boost the Keystone State’s economy:

“The Pennsylvania Fairness Act will update the law to include sexual orientation and gender identity and expression to the current categories of individuals protected against discrimination in the current law. This will help Pennsylvania win when competing for economic development projects that bring jobs.”

Last week, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers introduced the Pennsylvania Fairness Act—legislation that updates the state’s 1955 Human Relations Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

There’s no doubt Penn State—which has 24 campuses, 17,000 faculty/staff and 1000,000 students—is a huge boost to our campaign to update Pennsylvania’s nondiscrimination law this year. We’re thankful to President Barron for signing the pledge and sending a clear message to lawmakers: When Pennsylvania competes, Pennsylvania wins.

CLICK HERE to urge your lawmakers to support passage of the Pennsylvania Fairness Act.



Major #PA institutions like @Alcoa & @HACC_info agree: It's time for #LGBT nondiscrimination! #fairPA #PALeg

About 5 days ago